Michele Tansella Award 2016-2026

World Psychiatric Association

Raccolta in corso
Raccolto *:
2.525,00 €

* L’importo delle donazioni raccolte non si aggiorna automaticamente ma a seguito delle verifiche effettuate dalla Fondazione.

Il progetto

Every two years until 2026, during the bi-annual international WPA section meeting on Epidemiology and Public Health, The WPA will confer 2000 Euro + conference fees (intended as the budget for asingle edition of the Michele Tansella Award) to the winner of theAward. The single edition budget is part of the total budget of theAward project and amounts to 12000 Euro plus the varying conferencefees and corresponds to six Michele Tansella Awards editions(including the 2016 one).I am pleased to announce that the winner for 2022is Dr Oleguer Plana-Ripoll.The conference was held in Marrakech, Morocco. The conference registration fees were 525 Euros.
