World Psychiatric Association
The WPA works with its members, partners and components around the world to promote mental health and to encourage the highest possible standards of clinical practice and ethical behavior in psychiatry. Through its education programs, meetings, publications, and scientific sections, it aims to increase knowledge about mental disorders and to grow the skills and knowledge necessary to prevent and treat them.
The association works to disseminate knowledge about evidence-based therapy and values-based practice; to be a voice for the dignity and human rights of patients and their families; and to uphold the rights of psychiatrists where they may be challenged. Most importantly, it acts to facilitate communication and provide assistance to societies who are isolated or whose members work in impoverished circumstances.
How we do it
Scientific Sections
The Sections are the scientific backbone of the WPA. They cover practically every aspect of psychiatry and enjoy a great degree of independence within the framework of the WPA Statutes and By-Laws. Under the supervision and guidance of the Secretary for Sections they produce symposia, publications, educational programs and consensus statements.
Education Programs
The educational activities of the association and distribution of educational programs are coordinated by the Secretary for Education. Three areas of focus support WPA’s foundational goal of sharing practical skills and knowledge across the globe: using e-technology and tools to reach and educate more psychiatrists and their communities across the globe (especially in LMIC); enhancing opportunities for face-to-face learning through the provision of travel grants and fellowships; and providing learning resources for patients, their caregivers and communities, and other key stakeholders
WPA is in the unique position of being able to draw on the diversity of its membership base to create publications that span geographical boundaries, cultures, disciplines and schools of thought. Guided by the Secretary of Publications, WPA publications play two key roles – the first is to disseminate practical and theoretical knowledge that can help drive improvements in psychiatric science and practice; the second is to promote and increase the visibility of psychiatry, mental health and the work WPA is doing worldwide. Notably, WPA produces World Psychiatry, the number one ranked journal in Psychiatry and the number one journal in the Social Citation Index.
The WPA was established to support the creation of the World Psychiatric Congress and while its purpose and role has expanded beyond that over the years, its scientific meetings remain a cornerstone of its value to the psychiatric community. In addition to partnering with its members to host the now annual WPA World Congress of Psychiatry, WPA also supports development of thematic and regional congresses across the world. In addition, the WPA co-sponsors a number of national scientific meetings hosted by its members, components and other reputable organisations.
Advocacy and Special Projects
Through its standing committee on Ethics and Review, as well as the tireless work of its Executive Committee, the WPA is a voice for modern psychiatry. Whether it is supporting colleagues and concepts in parts of the world where psychiatry remains rooted in regressive theories, advocating for mental health support in times of crisis, conflict or disaster, or using its unique position to share local learnings on a global scale, WPA is a champion for mental health and for the role of the modern psychiatrist within it.