Emergenza Sorrisi is a Non-Governmental Organisation that works with children affected by hare lip, cleft palate, facial deformities, burns, trauma inflicted by war, cataracts and other pathologies inherent in developing countries. Emergenza Sorrisi unites 370 volunteer Doctors and Nurses, thanks to whom surgical misions have been realised in over 18 countries worldwide, where 3.949 children have been operated on to date and rediscovered their smile. One of the pillars of our activities is training, and bringing local Doctors and Nurses up to date; through our training, currently 573 professionals benefit in countries that host missions.
All of the projects run by Emergenza Sorrisi in countries in the South of the world anticipate local participation: the current situation is that there are 7 local, autonomous offices open in Benin, Congo (RDC), Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Georgia and Burkina Faso.